• SCALA Implementation Framework

    Main output

    SCALA Implementation Framework
    THE SCALA FRAMEWORK, the main outcome of SCALA, provides step-by-step guidance and issues to consider when implementing the SCALA 'ask and advise about alcohol' program through a primary health care system at the municipal level, to tackle the public health impacts of alcohol in Latin America and globally.

    Click here to download the SCALA Framework Document

    (click here to see all SCALA project outputs)

  • SCALA at a glance


    SCALA at a glance
    SCALA is a 4-year H2020 project (from Dec 2017 - Dec 2021), with a budget of €3M, which will test the scale-up of primary health care-based prevention and management of heavy drinking and co-morbid depression through training and on-going support embedded in community-based municipal action

    (learn more)

  • SCALA adapts to the pandemic


    SCALA adapts to the pandemic
    The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has various impacts on SCALA, due to the need to support telemedecine, the strain put on primary health systems, and the anxiety and fear that the virus is causing in societies worldwide.

    (learn more)

  • The SCALA Study

    Implementation study

    The SCALA Study
    The SCALA study will test the hypothesis that the scale-up of implementing a tailored brief intervention package embedded in a wider strategy of community and municipal support in Latin American cities, will increase screening and advice rates for heavy drinking and co-morbid depression more than the usual practice, carried out by health care providers alone. Find out more...
  • Who is working on SCALA?


    Who is working on SCALA?
    SCALA involves over 25 scientists from 9 different institutions located in 7 countries in Europe and Latin America

    click to meet the SCALA partners

The first SCALA General Partner meeting was held in Barcelona CaixaForum from Wednesday 21st to Thursday 22nd March 2018. 

Further information can be seen below:

  • Agenda (PDF)
  • Outcomes:
    • Meeting schedules were agreed: Meetings twice a month with the 3 country partners together; Twice a month: individual meetings with each country partner; Next partner meeting in Barcelona, October 2018 
    • Overall project calendar updated according to Barcelona discussions 
    • CABs and Community Action: work ongoing on an integrated PPT that will include the discussed Community Advisory Boards terms of reference and work to be developed; Also a calendar with milestones related to CABs, Community Action and Country plans and way of working towards these
    • REB - Tools/Questionnaires Translations: distributing and coordinating translation into Spanish.
    • Alcohol Literacy: teleconferences and next steps agreed with regards to the Newest Vital Sign with the aim of finalising this and any other tools.
    • Patient interviews: collating all the questions for the patients’ interviews across workpackages 
    • Presentations circulated internally
    • Internal interim financial reporting: scheduled for May 2018.