4th SCALA General Partners Meeting
The third SCALA General Partner meeting was held in Casteldefells, Barcelona on the 20th & 21st November 2019, 3-4 months after the training courses and into the implementation period.
Further information can be seen below:
The full partner meeting was preceded by an update meeting on recruitment and data collection with Latin American country partners.
- Agenda (PDF)
- Outcomes / decisions:
- Implementation: the importance of documenting any relevant differences among PHCCs and ensuring the information that will be used as denominator in calculation of our main outcomes.
- For the decision on whether to merge arm 3 and arm 4, the comparisons will be done in Month 5 of implementation (May 2020)
- Community actions: Harmonize the community actions among the three country partners; and update provider questionnaires with the items about community actions by Dec 2020
- Regular performance feedback: to shorten the response times, feedback may be shared with PHCC once data is ~90% accurate.
- Training: partner countries will design the booster session themselves based on their needs and implement them in early 2020.
- Outcome evaluation: Tally sheet to be redesigned to make a clearer; it should be assessed what is the reason that the baseline screening results are quite high in the three countries. Preliminary data analyses indicated several actions taken routinely not according to the protocol (advice given and PHQ administered even below cut-off)
- Patient questionnaire: In total, 160 patients per measurement should participate in each country.
- Process evaluation: Checklist to capture all key events, observations and experiences, including political and administrative changes is to be developed
- Economic evaluation: Additional needed data regarding community actions, implementation and hospitalization costs to be filled in
- Publications: Create overview of all constructs used in instruments. Everyone is welcome to participate (or lead) on papers if they want to.